Saturday, February 4, 2012

The act of twirling or the condition of being twirled, a quick spinning or twisting.
To rotate or revolve briskly; swing in a circle; spin.
To move or spin around rapidly, and suddenly or repeatedly.
A twist; a convolution; a curl; a flourish.
To move round; especially, to revolve rapidly; be whirled about sharp bend in a line produced when a line having a loop is pulled tight. Something twirled; a twist

"Twirl" this word have so much meaning in much different case, so I only use a basic meaning to thinking in three ideas 

First idea it is spin; use a shape to spin of it, looks like a storm, or fan.

Second, something twirled, like a cup of coffee with some mink.

To move or spin around rapidly, suddenly, or repeatedly, make it is look like a tattoo or flower.

This is the final, to make like a post card, or gift card, and also I try to use idea from the artist choice from this week to work in balance.

This it is the artist work chosen in this week, this object create by Jan ballet. 
Jan Balet

Jan Balet (1913-2009)

Sad news from Jan Balet's children that Jan passed away on Saturday, January 31st. As many of you will remember, Jan was in the hospital after a fall. He had sent a note by way of his children, Peter and Marie, expressing his enthusiasm to correspond about his career and planned to write again after his recovery. Unfortunately that recovery never came.

Just two weeks before Jan passed away, I discovered a copy of his first children's book, Amos and the Moon, in a dusty old used bookstore an hour's drive from here. It was published 61 years ago, when Jan was just 35. In all my years of searching I've never come across any Jan Balet children's books, and this one is apparently quite rare. 

A long, successful and varied career lay ahead of Jan Balet in 1948. I was looking forward to hearing all about it from him and sharing those details with you in another series of posts. I'm sure you are as sorry as I am that that won't happen now. 

Without further comment from me, I'd like to honour the memory of Jan Balet by presenting images from Amos and the Moon each day this week. Marie sent a copy of Jan's obituary, which I will post at the conclusion of the story on Friday. My condolences to Jan Balet's family and friends.

Why that image inspired you?
I feel some exquisite sense of this object. The balance works so good, and it is very clean of the picture, so much detail of the picture. And his color choice is wonderful.
What aspects of that artist's work you intend to incorporate in your own efforts?
I want to lean from him it is the balance. His balance works so good, let you feel comfortable when you see his object. 

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